Shangri-La hotel

Putrajaya / Malaysia
Shangri-La five star hotel (118 rooms and 2 restaurants)
20.000 m2
14 M€

Special mention, Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers awards 2003

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Richez Associes - Shangri-La hotel - 2
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This five-star hotel is situated on a hill, around which wraps the huge roundabout (the biggest in the world) that marks the entrance to the new city of Putrajaya. Enjoying an incredible view across the city centre, the hotel building itself merges into the hill, hidden in lush planting.
The hotel’s entrance is a spectacular four-storey hall that houses the hotel reception, as well as bars and restaurants over a series of lofty mezzanine levels. Inside the hotel the rooms are soft and warm: a harmony of tropical wood, ecru fabrics and chintz curtains. Each has a bathroom opening onto the bedroom, and a private planted balcony.