TAE, the third metro line of Toulouse

Toulouse (31)
SMAT - Société de la Mobilité de l’Agglomération Toulousaine
preliminary technical studies for a 30 km metro line + 20 stations
1.7 G€
Systra + Richez_Associés

winner BIM d'Argent 2017

Richez Associes - TAE, the third metro line of Toulouse - 1
Richez Associes - TAE, the third metro line of Toulouse - 2

The arrival of the third metro line « Toulouse Aerospace Express » is a major event in the development of the Toulouse area. Keystone of a structuring network, drive of economic development in the agglomeration, it aims to strengthen its dynamism and attractiveness, locally but also in France and abroad.
Ensuring a connection to the main economic centralities of the agglomeration, anticipating and answering the needs for transportation in the area, adapting to the evolution of travel habits, are the main advantages of this new metro line.