Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase

Paray Vieille-Poste - Athis-Mons - Juvisy-sur-Orge / France
Systra, STIF representative
3,7 km tramway line extension + 6 stations including 1 underground station
Ingérop + Richez_Associés + GEOS

sustainable approach
_ turfed track
_ 180 trees planted

Richez Associes - Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase - 1
Richez Associes - Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase - 2
Richez Associes - Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase - 3
Richez Associes - Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase - 4
Richez Associes - Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase - 5
Richez Associes - Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase - 6
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Richez Associes - Villejuif - Juvisy tramway second phase - 9

Tramway line 7 (T7) extends beyond Orly towards the Vallée de la Seine along with the transformation of the Nationale 7 into a planted, urban boulevard. To reach the Juvisy-sur-Orge Station whilst avoiding the listed park, it plunges towards the Observatoire Station and, 40 metres below, rejoins the city centre pedestrian zones.