Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo

Saint-Brieuc / France
Communauté d’Agglomération de Saint-Brieuc Baie d’Armor
infrastructures, streetscape development and construction of Transport Est-Ouest (TEO) project
8 km BRT line (21 stations), linking future west “Les Plaines Villes” neighbourhood to Chaptal business park in the east
51 M€
Systra + Safege + Richez_Associés + Atelier de l’île + B3i

Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 1
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 2
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 3
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 4
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 5
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 6
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 7
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 8
Richez Associes - Saint-Brieuc, BRT Téo   - 9

The Saint-Brieuc aglomeration wants to create an efficient and structured bus service. The new approach to travel within the city centre brings about significant redevelopment of spaces that cater to pedestrians. The station, the new Les Champs shopping centre and Place du Guesclin are among the major streetscapes to be redeveloped.